When you allow customers time to pay, it should be a conscious decision - 'we believe this customer can and will pay us on time' - based on knowledge, not an accident of selling.
So it makes sense to find out. Credit managers know that sales are increased, not reduced, by checking credit worthiness because sales efforts can be intensified with sound customers and not wasted on a mass of unknown prospects.
There are many competitors for your customers' funds and a supplier less tolerant than you may have started legal action or even winding-up proceedings.
You need information to find out how others have fared recently. There are two powerful reasons for managing credit risk:
Commercial: future sales are more reliable.
Financial: profit is increased by fewer bad debts and lower borrowings.
Payontime.co.uk is owned by The Credit Protection Association Limited – Company Number: 217953
Address: CPA House, 350 King Street, London W6 0RP - Tel: 020 8846 0000
VAT number: 243 1228 00
The Credit Protection Association Limited is registered with the Information Commissioners Office: Reg number: Z7497476
Parts of this website such as the calculators are registered with the UK Copyright Service: Acc Number 121641 – Reg number 339668