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Is this forum going to survive?

14 years 4 months ago #190 by latepayments
Good morning all,

Have watched with interest how this forum was progressing and am reaching the conclusion it is running out of steam.

More concerningly in the last few days all the posts are coming from a commercial organisation clearly hoping for some "name awareness gain"!!

Wishing those who are involved with this project well and trust it does not run out of steam.

In the meantime where has James gone, or has he just run out of steam!!


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14 years 4 months ago #191 by David J
Hello Edward

We of course welcome any questions or answers from commercial businesses as well as individuals, particularly businesses that are involved with debt collection who may be able to pass on some of their experience to help others. Multiple posting may have a negative effect though (as in your case). Hopefully Credit Safe are just keen to get involved and pass on their knowledge to others. Time will tell.

As far as us running out of steam, we certainly hope not and are committed to keeping this forum, and the website going to benefit its users.

I'm surprised that more questions have not been asked on this forum but maybe it is the nature of the subject. Most users come to this site for one reason, they have a payment problem.They may have a question but just don't like to ask for help. I have received around 20 emails in the past 2 months with questions on the legislation and how to deal with a particular late payer or problem. This is despite a note on the 'Contact Us' page asking users to post questions regarding the legislation on the forum to help all users of the site. Only one person followed my request and posted their question. So we have provided the basis for discussion but it is up to the users to ask questions.

Maybe as we go into next year the importance of the site will become more apparent.


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14 years 4 months ago #192 by Safe_UK
Edward Wilkins wrote:

More concerningly in the last few days all the posts are coming from a commercial organisation clearly hoping for some "name awareness gain"!!

That would be us then :P

Actually we aren't just after some commercial gain, we have been avid supporters of this legislation since the beginning.... (OK maybe some gain wouldn't go amiss ;) )

We always recommend our client's make use of the legislation as we believe it is imperative to exercise your legal rights in this respect.

That is why we have created the only free late payment app for iPhone & iPad.

From client feedback we hope the site survives as many of our customers have found it extremely useful!

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14 years 4 months ago #193 by jimbo22
As for where is James, I'm travelling at the moment, and dont expect to be back in the UK for another 3 or 4 weeks.

Taking action on late payment is still way up there on my to do list. Even though I'm not posting regular at the moment,I'm talking with people on this forum on actual cases which are happening at this moment in time.

The forum will surive, but sometimes things dont happen fast and at the moment I have nothing to report.

I dont believe that there will be a commercial gain from this legalisation. Those looking to profit in someway, should look else where for their profit, it will not come this way. This legalisation is to help the businesses which have suffered as a result of late payment. I dont think a court would look favourably on those seeking to use the legalisation to profit.

Quiet, before the storm !

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14 years 4 months ago #206 by ashley smith
The forum will survive and must stay at the top rankings. There are a lot of people with a wealth of experience who can help many others.

It is in my view better to be quiet than to be like so many others where the threads become full of personal stories ( sorry to all the other sites I have posted on in thismregard over the years !!!).


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14 years 3 months ago #262 by cpsec@yahoo.co.uk
Hi all,

I am pretty new to this website and only really started reading the forums today.

In the past I have used the invoicing forms and other information on this site to help me as a self employed NVQ Assessor.

It has helped me know end as my biggest headache is the companies I provide my services to take a lifetime in paying me.

This has nearly led to me going under many times over the last four years and have considered many times going back to a nine to five job, which i dont want to do as i enjoy the freedom to manage my own time and enjoy what i do.

If they all did pay me on time, I would be pretty comfortable in life with very little to worry about, but instead i have people chasing me for money Because I cannot pay them on time, it’s a vicious circle.

I hope the site stays open for as long as possible as in my opinion bad payers will always be with us and will always try to take advantage of those who are new or are not savvy with invoicing and the law.

there got that off my chest.

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