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Commercial cleaner owed money from estate agent

6 years 7 months ago #3055 by Bartman100
I am a sole trader and do cleaning work for an estate agent which includes end of tenancy cleans and a regular once a month clean to a building.
I am owed money for an end of Tenancy clean from June and I am owed July and August money for the regular building clean.
I have been nice and done numerous emails and spoken to them and I just get the usual dribble from their mouths.
Obviously don’t want to cause a problem because of the regular monthly clean (for which I have the only set of keys for the building) but not sure how to proceed. Do I now send an email stating I am going to charge interest?
I have decided I am not going to do September monthly clean until all payments are up to date.
Everyone else I do work for pays within 30 days and I have no problems.
Advice on how you would deal with situation would be much appreciated

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6 years 7 months ago #3057 by j.salmon@cpa.co.uk

When you say "the usual dribble", can I ask what you mean?

The excuses used, will affect how you respond.

However, yes warning them you will withold service until the account is brought up to date is one solution.

The other is adding late payment compensation charges, or telling them that you will.

I can understand you not wanting to damage the good will.

But if you allow them to take advantage of you then they will keep pushing. You need to make it clear that it is not acceptable and there will be consequences.

A customer who doesn't pay, is not a source of income, they are a drain on your business.

One solution could be to refer the outstanding debt to a third party collector.


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6 years 7 months ago - 6 years 7 months ago #3058 by Bartman100
Thanks for reply James,

I know she is a drain on my business, I emailed her 2 days ago saying it was unacceptable but have had no reply. I want to be firmer but do not want her not to call me when work becomes available. She has no problem with my work i always make sure it’s acceptable before I invoice her.
I need to be firmer but not sure how to put it to her? I want to add compensation but not sure how much, the first invoice for June is for £185 the 2 monthly cleans are for £200 each?

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6 years 7 months ago #3059 by j.salmon@cpa.co.uk
Often we see excuses at this time of year where people say sorry, staff were on holiday as an excuse for non-payment. Ignoring your emails maybe an attempt at something similar.

I bet they don't let their tenants use such excuses for not paying their rent.

The compensation due is £40 per invoice per the legislation.

One tactic could be to tactfully tell her that you are going to have to increase your future prices to allow for the late payment.

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6 years 6 months ago - 6 years 6 months ago #3061 by Bartman100
Update:- I emailed her on Thursday evening to her office email address, didn’t expect a reply and got one within an hour! I told her she had 7days to pay or charges would be added and then past onto 3rd party to collect, told her it’s nothing personal just business.
Her reply was she is in Greece and will sort ASAP!
She has access to internet because she replied, I know she has internet banking because I have been with her when she has paid me immediately!
Let’s see what happens

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